Business Archives - Coconut Sugar Coconut Sugar Thu, 16 Mar 2023 10:50:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Archives - Coconut Sugar 32 32 Not Just Coconut Sugar, Cause Local Empowerment and Local Business Development is Our Goal Thu, 16 Mar 2023 10:50:20 +0000 Starting from a great desire to move forward together with coconut sugar farmers, Hugo Innovation was established in 2019. It’s not easy to start a business in the coconut sugar farming sector, especially at the start of the pandemic, which was the first moment Hugo Innovation moved. The steep road that Hugo Inovasi had to …

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Not Just Coconut Sugar, Cause Local Empowerment and Local Business Development is Our Goal
Not Just Coconut Sugar, Cause Local Empowerment and Local Business Development is Our Goal

Starting from a great desire to move forward together with coconut sugar farmers, Hugo Innovation was established in 2019.
It’s not easy to start a business in the coconut sugar farming sector, especially at the start of the pandemic, which was the first moment Hugo Innovation moved.

The steep road that Hugo Inovasi had to go through to start everything, between holding on and fighting with the coconut sugar farmers, or giving up before fighting.

Why Coconut Sugar?

As part of the community, Hugo Inovasi realizes that coconut sugar has been known for a long time as part of a culinary tradition as a sweetener, not only in Indonesia but even in the world.
Coconut sugarCoconut sugar is made from coconut sap or called sap. Nira is the nectar of coconut tree flowers. One of the many plants found in Indonesia as a country with a tropical nature.

Until now, coconut sugar farmers who work with Hugo Inovasi are still harvesting sap in the traditional way. They process the sap by boiling the sap until the water evaporates and produces delicious sweet coconut sugar.

Hugo Innovation and Coconut Sugar Farmers

There are many things that Hugo Inovasi has done with coconut sugar farmers, starting from the formation of social relations, knowledge about financial literacy, education, group organizing, landscape understanding, to organic transformation.

Group Organizing

The importance of organizing groups for coconut sugar farmers, which is expected to make it easier for various things to be channeled properly. Because Hugo Inovasi and these organized coconut sugar farmers will be able to work better together.

Therefore, in the areas assisted by coconut sugar farmers in Banyumas in collaboration with Hugo Inovasi, coconut sugar farmers were formed in well-organized groups.


The benefits of education for coconut sugar farmers, among others, in terms of financial literacy, coconut sugar farmers who collaborate with Hugo Inovasi are increasingly understanding how to manage finances properly. Starting from saving to practicing managing expenses, becoming wiser in determining needs and wants.
The importance of this financial literacy is to help improve the welfare of coconut sugar farmers in Indonesia, especially those in collaboration with Hugo Inovasi.

In addition, the education of other coconut sugar farmers is in terms of organic transformation which is slow but sure, coconut sugar farmers who work with Hugo Inovasi can understand that the use of chemical fertilizers for agricultural products is not good. So slowly field assistants are also inviting coconut sugar farmers to switch to organic fertilizers in an effort to fertilize their land.

Social Relations

With good social relations between coconut sugar farmers and also assistance from Hugo Inovasi provides many benefits, starting from coconut sugar farmers who are more confident to have good interpersonal closeness.

Coconut sugar farmers admit that collaborating with Hugo Inovasi is an interesting relationship, where business and social values are created in balance. Where the first thing to do is social value to strengthen coconut sugar farmers as the main force in terms of production, then the next effect is to get benefits in terms of business.

Together We Care, Together We Save

It is our responsibility to protect the environment through sustainable farming systems, by always protecting organisms and not adding chemicals to the soil. Everything is done to ensure sustainable agricultural production in Indonesia and the world.

Coconut sugar farmers under the auspices of Hugo Inovasi do manual harvesting for almost all of our products. This is to ensure a high quality harvest and high production. The process is carried out traditionally and has been carried out from generation to generation to preserve cultural heritage. We appreciate that and will give the best results because we do everything with heart.

Because one of our goals is to provide maximum social benefits, local empowerment, and local business development. Sharing with others and growing together is beautiful.

The post Not Just Coconut Sugar, Cause Local Empowerment and Local Business Development is Our Goal appeared first on Coconut Sugar.

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