How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks - Coconut Sugar Coconut Sugar
How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks

How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks

How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks
How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks

How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and DrinkCoconut sugar will be increasingly in demand, especially when the month of Ramadan approaches. At that time there will be many people who use it to make food or drink iftar.

To mix coconut sugar into food or drinks, you should choose a coconut sugar color that matches the dish to be made. Coconut sugar, which is light brown in color tends to be yellow, is suitable for processing into a variety of dishes that only need the caramel aroma of brown sugar.

For coconut sugar, dark brown is suitable for compote so that the color looks tempting. Coconut sugar is also ideal for various sauces or cake fillings. Meanwhile, the black one is suitable for making pempek sauce so that the color is more visible.

Compared to cooking, coconut sugar is more often added to cakes or drinks. Here’s how to use coconut sugar for a variety of dishes. First is mixing in the dough. Usually the sugar will be combed thinly or dissolved in water first.

How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks
How to Use Coconut Sugar as a Mixture in Food and Drinks

The goal is to make coconut sugar cleaner because it can be filtered first to separate the sugar solution from the impurities in the coconut sugar. The second way is to make stuffing. Coconut sugar can be cut into small cubes or thinly sliced.

It is hoped that after being exposed to heat, coconut sugar will dissolve until when you bite it melts in the mouth. Coconut sugar as a filling can also be mixed with other ingredients. Like grated coconut, crushed steamed potatoes, for example.

Furthermore, coconut sugar can be made into a sauce. Coconut sugar for sauce needs to be dissolved first. Sugar is added a little water and put on the fire, stirring. To speed up the solubility, sugar can be combed or cut into squares. Sometimes as a sauce, coconut sugar solution is not alone, but accompanied by coconut milk.

This mixture of coconut sugar and coconut milk is often called “kinca”. The last one is made of syrup. In coconut sugar drinks are always used as syrup first.

The most common is cendol ice. But not infrequently brown sugar syrup is in coconut ice, grass jelly ice, or other types of ice.


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