The Origin And Benefits Of Coconut Sugar - Coconut Sugar Coconut Sugar

The Origin And Benefits Of Coconut Sugar

The Origin And Benefits Of Coconut Sugar

“Coconut sugar, brown sugar, finished laughing.” When you were a child, you might often hear silly slogans like that. Yes, besides the benefits of Java sugar as a traditional cooking ingredient with a sweet taste. The myth, eating Javanese sugar can also make the body more energized? Is it true? The good, you first see the explanation below.

The origin and benefits of coconut sugar

Java sugar is sugar made from palm trees. Java sugar is yellowish or brownish with the sweet taste of coconut palm juice. It is called Java sugar because it is mostly made by craftsmen who are mostly from Java, and formed into a half circle, shell, or tube, as you are used to seeing.

Coconut sugar is one type of brown sugar. This sugar is made from a type of palm palm tree (in English called palm sugar). Which is tapped by the sap from the flower bud of the coconut tree. After the sap is obtained, the liquid is cooked until thickened and then printed into coconut shells or small round shapes. Coconut sugar is known as natural sugar because of its processing which is still made traditionally (especially in Indonesia) without a mixture of chemicals in it.

Nutrition contained in coconut sugar, but it’s cannot be the main source of nutrition for the body. However, compared to other sweeteners, palm sugar is no less healthy and beneficial than other sweeteners, for example compared to granulated sugar. Benefits of Java sugar can be from the content of vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron in it. Other benefits of Java sugar are a number of phytonutrients, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins, and antioxidants. Phytonutrient substances can increase immunity, make the body more energized, and can ward off cancer cells.


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